Gérard Férey

This congress aims to honor the memory of G. Férey in the presence of his family, his friends, his closest associates and his peers through conferences or testimonials.

Gérard Férey


Since the 1960s, Gérard Férey invested in the world of microporous metal fluorophosphates. He paid particular attention to the study of formation mechanisms and the controlled genesis of these solids, with the support of numerical modeling. In 1996, he left the University of Le Mans to create the Lavoisier Institute of Versailles. Then began his fascinating adventure in the world of MOFs, of which he was one of the undisputed international leaders for nearly 15 years. Several resounding successes with the discovery of series of reference MOFs in the field earned him this status. Particularly noteworthy are MIL-53 and MIL-88 (MIL for Materials from the Institut Lavoisier) giant-solids solids, the MIL-100 and MIL-101 giant porous solids and the first porous photoactive porous MOF. titanium MIL-125. Its involvement in researching potential applications of MIL solids, especially for gas separation, catalysis, energy or biomedicine, was equally noteworthy.

The legacy left by Gérard Férey is immense, as testifies the always intense activity of the community MOFs around the famous porous solids of the type MIL.

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